It is possible to search for an item ( inside the Editor ), case insensitive
With AxGrid1
With .Columns.Add("DropDownList").Editor
.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.DropDownListType
End With
With .Items
End With
End With
The text after the BR-tag is in same line as the text before the BR-tag (entire column)
With AxGrid1
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exHLines
With .Columns.Add("Default")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellValueFormat) = 1
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellSingleLine) = False
End With
With .Items
.AddItem("This is the first line.<br>This is the second line.")
.AddItem("This is the first line.<br>This is the second line.")
.AddItem("This is the first line.<br>This is the second line.")
End With
End With
The text after the BR-tag is in same line as the text before the BR-tag (individual)
Dim h
With AxGrid1
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exHLines
With .Items
.CellValueFormat(.AddItem("This is the first line.<br>This is the second line."),0) = EXGRIDLib.ValueFormatEnum.exHTML
h = .AddItem("<b>This is the first line.<br>This is the second line.</b>")
.CellValueFormat(h,0) = EXGRIDLib.ValueFormatEnum.exHTML
.CellSingleLine(h,0) = EXGRIDLib.CellSingleLineEnum.exCaptionWordWrap
.CellValueFormat(.AddItem("This is the first line.<br>This is the second line."),0) = EXGRIDLib.ValueFormatEnum.exHTML
End With
End With
Can I disable an item once the user selects a new value into a different item
' Change event - Occurs when the user changes the cell's content.
Private Sub AxGrid1_Change(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_ChangeEvent) Handles AxGrid1.Change
With AxGrid1
With .Items
.EnableItem(.ItemByIndex(1)) = False
End With
End With
End Sub
Dim h1,h2
With AxGrid1
.ScrollBySingleLine = True
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exRowLines
With .Items
h1 = .AddItem("What's your gender?")
With .CellEditor(h1,1)
.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.DropDownListType
End With
.CellValue(h1,1) = 1
h2 = .AddItem("What's pet name?")
.CellValue(h2,1) = "This is my pet favorite long long long name, that shoul break the line in multiple pieces"
.CellSingleLine(h2,1) = EXGRIDLib.CellSingleLineEnum.exCaptionWordWrap
End With
End With
How can I get a row expanded / enlarged to fit the cell's text (entire column)
Dim h1,h2
With AxGrid1
.ScrollBySingleLine = True
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exRowLines
With .Columns.Add("A")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellSingleLine) = False
With .Editor
.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.MemoType
.Appearance = EXGRIDLib.InplaceAppearanceEnum.SingleApp
End With
End With
With .Items
h1 = .AddItem("What's name?")
.CellValue(h1,1) = "This is my pet favorite long long long name, that shoul break the line in multiple pieces"
h2 = .AddItem("What's your pet name?")
.CellValue(h2,1) = "This is my pet favorite long long long name, that shoul break the line in multiple pieces"
End With
End With
How can I get a row expanded / enlarged to fit the cell's text (individual cell)
Dim h1,h2
With AxGrid1
.ScrollBySingleLine = True
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exRowLines
With .Items
h1 = .AddItem("What's name?")
.CellValue(h1,1) = "This is my pet favorite long long long name, that shoul break the line in multiple pieces"
h2 = .AddItem("What's your pet name?")
With .CellEditor(h2,1)
.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.MemoType
.Appearance = EXGRIDLib.InplaceAppearanceEnum.SingleApp
End With
.CellValue(h2,1) = "This is my pet favorite long long long name, that shoul break the line in multiple pieces"
.CellSingleLine(h2,1) = EXGRIDLib.CellSingleLineEnum.exCaptionWordWrap
End With
End With
InsertControlItem / UserEditor / A2X:
Dim h,hX
With AxGrid1
.BackColor = RGB(240,240,240)
.ConditionalFormats.Add("1 = 1").Bold = True
.Columns.Add("Type").Alignment = EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.RightAlignment
With .Items
h = .AddItem("1. A ProgID such as ""MSCAL.Calendar.7""")
.ItemDivider(h) = 0
hX = .InsertControlItem(0,"MSCAL.Calendar","")
.ItemObject(hX).BackColor = RGB(255,255,255)
h = .AddItem("2. A CLSID such as ""{0036F83C-D892-4B7B-AA0B-BEDD8D16A738}""")
.ItemDivider(h) = 0
hX = .InsertControlItem(0,"{0036F83C-D892-4B7B-AA0B-BEDD8D16A738}","")
h = .AddItem("3. A URL such as ""http://www.exontrol.com""")
.ItemDivider(h) = 0
hX = .InsertControlItem(0,"http://www.exontrol.com","")
h = .AddItem("4. A reference to an Active document such as ""file://\\Documents\MyDoc.doc""")
.ItemDivider(h) = 0
hX = .InsertControlItem(0,"file://C:\empesting.xml","")
h = .AddItem("5.A fragment of HTML such as ""MSHTML:<HTML><BODY>This is a line of text</BODY></HTML>""")
.ItemDivider(h) = 0
hX = .InsertControlItem(0,"MSHTML:<HTML><BODY>This is a <b>line of</b> text</BODY></HTML>","")
.ItemHeight(hX) = 56
h = .AddItem("6.Anything, if it is preffixed by ""A2X:""")
.ItemDivider(h) = 0
hX = .InsertControlItem(0,"A2X:TOC24.Toc24Ctrl.1","")
End With
End With
How do I add a RichTextBox editor
' UserEditorOleEvent event - Occurs when an user editor fires an event.
Private Sub AxGrid1_UserEditorOleEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_UserEditorOleEventEvent) Handles AxGrid1.UserEditorOleEvent
With AxGrid1
Debug.Print( e.ev )
End With
End Sub
With AxGrid1
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines
.DefaultItemHeight = 32
With .Columns.Add("RICHTEXT").Editor
.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.UserEditorType
With .UserEditorObject
.AutoVerbMenu = True
.TextRTF = "{\rtf1\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}\f0\pard\r\nThis is some {\b bold} text.\par\r\n}"
End With
End With
With .Items
End With
End With
Is it possible to trap a double-click event on a specific cell and when that happens, to set the cell to a specific value
' DblClick event - Occurs when the user dblclk the left mouse button over an object.
Private Sub AxGrid1_DblClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_DblClickEvent) Handles AxGrid1.DblClick
Dim c,h,hit
With AxGrid1
h = .get_ItemFromPoint(-1,-1,c,hit)
Debug.Print( .Items.CellValue(h,c) )
End With
End Sub
With AxGrid1
.HeaderAppearance = EXGRIDLib.AppearanceEnum.Etched
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exRowLines
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 1"),1) = "Item 2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 3"),1) = "Item 4"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 5"),1) = "Item 6"
End With
End With
How can I display dates in DD/MM/YYYY format
Dim h
With AxGrid1
.ScrollBySingleLine = False
With .Items
.ItemDivider(.AddItem("Different Date Formats")) = 0
.FormatCell(.AddItem(#12/1/1971#),0) = "((shortdateF(value) mid 4) left 2) + `/` + (shortdateF (value) left 2) + `/` + (shortdateF (value) right 4)"
.FormatCell(.AddItem(#12/1/1971#),0) = "(1 array (0:=(shortdateF(value) split `/`))) + `/` + (0 array (=:0) ) + `/` + (2 array (=:0) )"
.FormatCell(.AddItem(#12/1/1971#),0) = "((`0` + day(value) ) right 2) + `/` + ((`0` + month(value) ) right 2) + `/` + year(value)"
.FormatCell(.AddItem(#12/1/1971#),0) = "day(value) + `/` + month(value) + `/` + year(value)"
.FormatCell(.AddItem(#12/1/1971#),0) = "year(value) + ` - ` + day(value) + ` - ` + month(value)"
h = .AddItem(#12/1/1971#)
.ItemHeight(h) = 24
.CellValueFormat(h,0) = EXGRIDLib.ValueFormatEnum.exHTML
.FormatCell(h,0) = "`<b>` + year(value) + `</b><off -4> ` + day(value) + ` - ` + month(value)"
.ItemDivider(.AddItem("Predefined Date Formats")) = 0
.FormatCell(.AddItem(#12/1/1971#),0) = "value"
.FormatCell(.AddItem(#12/1/1971#),0) = "shortdateF(value)"
.FormatCell(.AddItem(#12/1/1971#),0) = "shortdate(value)"
.FormatCell(.AddItem(#12/1/1971#),0) = "longdate(value)"
End With
End With
I have noticed that the column gets resized once I release the mouse. I have a column that displays multiple-lines cells, and the text gets wrapped only when user releases the mouse. Is it possible to get resized contiguously as I had before
With AxGrid1
.ScrollBySingleLine = False
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exVLines
.ColumnsAllowSizing = True
.Columns.Add("Column A (cont)").Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exColumnResizeContiguously) = True
.Columns.Add("Column 1")
.Columns.Add("Column B (cont)").Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exColumnResizeContiguously) = True
.Columns.Add("Column 2")
End With
How do I get the column from cursor, when it hovers the empty portion of the items section
' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub AxGrid1_MouseMoveEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_MouseMoveEvent) Handles AxGrid1.MouseMoveEvent
Dim c,hit,i
With AxGrid1
i = .get_ItemFromPoint(0,-1,c,hit)
Debug.Print( "Column" )
Debug.Print( c )
End With
End Sub
With AxGrid1
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exVLines
.Columns.Add("Column 0")
.Columns.Add("Column 1")
.Columns.Add("Column 2")
End With
How do I add items once the user clicks the empty area
' Click event - Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the grid control.
Private Sub AxGrid1_ClickEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxGrid1.ClickEvent
Dim c,hit,i
With AxGrid1
i = .get_ItemFromPoint(0,-1,c,hit)
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem(i),1) = c
End With
End With
End Sub
With AxGrid1
.Columns.Add("Number of Items to Add")
.Columns.Add("Click on Column")
End With
Is there any option to stop events
' AddItem event - Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub AxGrid1_AddItem(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_AddItemEvent) Handles AxGrid1.AddItem
With AxGrid1
Debug.Print( "AddItem event is fired only if FreezeEvents(False) is called" )
End With
End Sub
Dim h1,h2
With AxGrid1
.DefaultItemHeight = 24
With .Items
h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
End With
End With
How can I include the child items, when a filter is applied
Dim h0
With AxGrid1
.ColumnAutoResize = True
.ContinueColumnScroll = False
.MarkSearchColumn = False
.SearchColumnIndex = 1
.Indent = 16
.LinesAtRoot = EXGRIDLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
.FilterBarPromptVisible = EXGRIDLib.FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
.FilterBarPromptPattern = "Nancy"
.FilterInclude = EXGRIDLib.FilterIncludeEnum.exItemsWithChilds
With .Columns
.Add("Name").Width = 96
.Add("Title").Width = 96
End With
With .Items
h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
.CellValue(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
.CellValue(h0,2) = "Seattle"
h0 = .InsertItem(h0,Nothing,"Andrew Fuller")
.CellValue(h0,1) = "Vice President, Sales"
.CellValue(h0,2) = "Tacoma"
h0 = .InsertItem(h0,Nothing,"Michael Suyama")
.CellValue(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
.CellValue(h0,2) = "London"
h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
.CellValue(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
.CellValue(h0,2) = "Kirkland"
h0 = .InsertItem(h0,Nothing,"Margaret Peacock")
.CellValue(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
.CellValue(h0,2) = "Redmond"
.ExpandItem(0) = True
End With
End With
How do I prevent changing the cell's state ( check-box state )
' CellStateChanging event - Fired before cell's state is about to be changed.
Private Sub AxGrid1_CellStateChanging(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_CellStateChangingEvent) Handles AxGrid1.CellStateChanging
With AxGrid1
With .Items
e.newState = .CellState(e.item,e.colIndex)
End With
End With
End Sub
Dim h
With AxGrid1
.LinesAtRoot = EXGRIDLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
With .Columns.Add("P1")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasCheckBox) = True
.PartialCheck = True
End With
With .Columns.Add("P2")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasCheckBox) = True
.PartialCheck = True
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Root")
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
.ExpandItem(h) = True
End With
End With
How do I get sorted the column as string, numeric, date, date and time. Also how can it be applied to drop down filter panel
Dim h
With AxGrid1
With .Columns.Add("Date")
.SortType = EXGRIDLib.SortTypeEnum.SortDate
.DisplayFilterButton = True
.DisplayFilterPattern = False
.DisplayFilterDate = True
.FilterList = EXGRIDLib.FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or EXGRIDLib.FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or EXGRIDLib.FilterListEnum.exSortItemsDesc
End With
With .Columns.Add("DateTime")
.SortType = EXGRIDLib.SortTypeEnum.SortDateTime
.DisplayFilterButton = True
.DisplayFilterPattern = False
.FilterList = EXGRIDLib.FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or EXGRIDLib.FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or EXGRIDLib.FilterListEnum.exSortItemsDesc
End With
With .Columns.Add("Time")
.SortType = EXGRIDLib.SortTypeEnum.SortTime
.DisplayFilterButton = True
.DisplayFilterPattern = False
.FilterList = EXGRIDLib.FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or EXGRIDLib.FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or EXGRIDLib.FilterListEnum.exSortItemsDesc
.FormatColumn = "time(value)"
End With
With .Columns.Add("Numeric")
.SortType = EXGRIDLib.SortTypeEnum.SortNumeric
.DisplayFilterButton = True
.FilterList = EXGRIDLib.FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or EXGRIDLib.FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or EXGRIDLib.FilterListEnum.exSortItemsDesc
End With
With .Columns.Add("String")
.DisplayFilterButton = True
.FilterList = EXGRIDLib.FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or EXGRIDLib.FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or EXGRIDLib.FilterListEnum.exSortItemsDesc
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem(#1/27/2010#)
.CellValue(h,1) = #1/27/2010 10:00:00 AM#
.CellValue(h,2) = .CellValue(h,1)
.CellValue(h,3) = 1
.CellValue(h,4) = .CellValue(h,3)
h = .AddItem(#1/27/2011#)
.CellValue(h,1) = #1/27/2011 9:00:00 AM#
.CellValue(h,2) = .CellValue(h,1)
.CellValue(h,3) = 11
.CellValue(h,4) = .CellValue(h,3)
h = .AddItem(#11/2/2010#)
.CellValue(h,1) = #11/2/2010 9:00:00 AM#
.CellValue(h,2) = .CellValue(h,1)
.CellValue(h,3) = 2
.CellValue(h,4) = .CellValue(h,3)
End With
.Columns.Item("DateTime").DisplayFilterDate = False
End With
I am using Layout property to sort multiple columns at once. The problem is that all items get expanded. How do I prevent that
Dim h
With AxGrid1
.LinesAtRoot = EXGRIDLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
With .Columns.Add("P1")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasCheckBox) = True
.PartialCheck = True
End With
With .Columns.Add("P2")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasCheckBox) = True
.PartialCheck = True
.FormatColumn = "1 index ``"
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Root")
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child A")
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child B")
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child A")
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child B")
End With
.SingleSort = False
.Layout = "multiplesort=""C0:1 C1:2"";collapse="""""
End With
How do I find the cell's type, or what the cell holds
With AxGrid1
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exRowLines
With .Columns
.Add("Value").Width = 24
.Add("Type").FormatColumn = "type(%0)"
.Add("TypeAsString").FormatColumn = "(0 := type(%0)) array (`empty`, `null`, `short`, `long`, `float`, `double`, `currency`, `date`, `string`, `object`, `error`, `b" & _
"oolean`, `variant`, `any`, `reserved`, `decimal`, `char`, `byte`, `unsigned short`, `unsigned long`, `long on 64 bits`)"
.Add("Length").FormatColumn = "len(%0)"
End With
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem(),0) = AxGrid1.GetOcx()
.CellValue(.AddItem(),0) = True
.CellValue(.AddItem(),0) = -1
.CellValue(.AddItem(),0) = -1
.CellValue(.AddItem(),0) = #1/1/2001#
End With
End With
How can I get ride / hide the image being dragged by OLE Drag and Drop
' OLEStartDrag event - Occurs when the OLEDrag method is called.
Private Sub AxGrid1_OLEStartDrag(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_OLEStartDragEvent) Handles AxGrid1.OLEStartDrag
' Data.SetData("data to drag")
With AxGrid1
e.allowedEffects = 1
End With
End Sub
Dim h
With AxGrid1
.OLEDropMode = EXGRIDLib.exOLEDropModeEnum.exOLEDropManual
.LinesAtRoot = EXGRIDLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Root")
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
.ExpandItem(h) = True
End With
End With
The ReadOnly property does not prevent changing the column's check-box (sample 2)
With AxGrid1
.ShowFocusRect = False
With .Columns.Add("C1")
.AllowSizing = False
.Width = 18
.Editor.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.CheckValueType
End With
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem(0),1) = "Item 1"
.CellValue(.AddItem(-1),1) = "Item 2"
.CellValue(.AddItem(0),1) = "Item 3"
End With
.ReadOnly = EXGRIDLib.ReadOnlyEnum.exReadOnly
.Columns.Item(0).Editor.Option(EXGRIDLib.EditorOptionEnum.exCheckValue2) = 2
End With
The ReadOnly property does not prevent changing the column's check-box (sample 1)
With AxGrid1
.ShowFocusRect = False
With .Columns.Add("C1")
.AllowSizing = False
.Width = 18
With .Editor
.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.CheckValueType
.Option(EXGRIDLib.EditorOptionEnum.exCheckValue2) = 1
End With
End With
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem(0),1) = "Item 1"
.CellValue(.AddItem(-1),1) = "Item 2"
.CellValue(.AddItem(0),1) = "Item 3"
End With
.ReadOnly = EXGRIDLib.ReadOnlyEnum.exReadOnly
End With
How can I export checked items only
With AxGrid1
With .Columns
.Add("C1").Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasCheckBox) = True
.Add("C2").FormatColumn = "1 index `A-Z`"
.Add("C3").FormatColumn = "100 index ``"
End With
With .Items
.AddItem("Item 1")
.CellState(.AddItem("Item 2")) = 1
.CellState(.AddItem("Item 3")) = 1
End With
Debug.Print( "Export CSV Checked Items Only:" )
Debug.Print( .Export("","chk") )
End With
How can I export a hidden column
With AxGrid1
With .Columns
With .Add("C2")
.FormatColumn = "1 index `A-Z`"
.Visible = False
End With
With .Add("C3")
.FormatColumn = "100 index ``"
.Visible = False
End With
End With
With .Items
.AddItem("Item 1")
.AddItem("Item 2")
.AddItem("Item 3")
End With
Debug.Print( "Export CSV Hidden Columns (1,2):" )
Debug.Print( .Export("","|1,2") )
End With
I'm trying to use automatic numbering of the outline. How can I have A, B, C for root items, 1, 2, 3 for the sub-items, and a, b, c for sub-sub-items (sample 3)
Dim h,hChild
With AxGrid1
.LinesAtRoot = EXGRIDLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exRowLines
.AutoDrag = EXGRIDLib.AutoDragEnum.exAutoDragPositionAny
.HasLines = EXGRIDLib.HierarchyLineEnum.exSolidLine
.Indent = 16
.MarkSearchColumn = False
With .Columns
With .Add("")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellValueFormat) = 1
.FormatColumn = "((1:=(0 :=(1 rpos '.|A-Z||a-z|')) rfind `.`) < 0 ? `<b>` + =:0 + `` : (=:0 mid (1 + 1 + =:1) ) + `)` ) + ` ` + value"
End With
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Root")
hChild = .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child")
.ExpandItem(0) = True
h = .AddItem("Root")
hChild = .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child")
.CellState(hChild,0) = 1
End With
End With
I'm trying to use automatic numbering of the outline. How can I have A, B, C for root items, 1, 2, 3 for the sub-items, and a, b, c for sub-sub-items (sample 2)
Dim h,hChild
With AxGrid1
.LinesAtRoot = EXGRIDLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
.GridLineColor = RGB(190,190,190)
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exRowLines
.AutoDrag = EXGRIDLib.AutoDragEnum.exAutoDragPositionAny
.HasLines = EXGRIDLib.HierarchyLineEnum.exSolidLine
.Indent = 16
With .Columns
With .Add("")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellValueFormat) = 1
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellPaddingRight) = 4
.AllowSizing = False
.Width = 36
.Position = 0
.FormatColumn = "(1:=(0 :=(1 rpos '.|A-Z||a-z|')) rfind `.`) < 0 ? `<b>` + =:0 : (`............` left 2 * (=:0 count `.`)) + (=:0 mid (1 + 1 + =" & _
":1) ) "
End With
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Root")
hChild = .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child")
.ExpandItem(0) = True
h = .AddItem("Root")
hChild = .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child")
.CellState(hChild,0) = 1
End With
End With
I'm trying to use automatic numbering of the outline. How can I have A, B, C for root items, 1, 2, 3 for the sub-items, and a, b, c for sub-sub-items (sample 1)
Dim h,hChild
With AxGrid1
.LinesAtRoot = EXGRIDLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exRowLines
.AutoDrag = EXGRIDLib.AutoDragEnum.exAutoDragPositionAny
.HasLines = EXGRIDLib.HierarchyLineEnum.exSolidLine
.Indent = 16
With .Columns
With .Add("")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellValueFormat) = 1
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellPaddingRight) = 4
.Alignment = EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.RightAlignment
.AllowSizing = False
.Width = 24
.Position = 0
.FormatColumn = "(1:=(0 :=(1 rpos '.|A-Z||a-z|')) rfind `.`) < 0 ? `<b>` + =:0 : `<i>` + (=:0 mid (1 + 1 + =:1) ) "
End With
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Root")
hChild = .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child")
.ExpandItem(0) = True
h = .AddItem("Root")
hChild = .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child")
.CellState(hChild,0) = 1
End With
End With
How can I programmatically group by columns, without having the control's sort bar visible
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.ColumnAutoResize = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
.SortBarHeight = 0
.SortBarVisible = True
.SortBarCaption = "Drag a <b>column</b> header here to group by that column."
.AllowGroupBy = True
.Layout = "multiplesort=""C1:2"""
End With
How do I perform my own sort
' Sort event - Fired when the control sorts a column.
Private Sub AxGrid1_Sort(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxGrid1.Sort
With AxGrid1
Debug.Print( "Sort" )
With .Items
.ItemPosition(.ItemByIndex(1)) = 0
.ItemPosition(.ItemByIndex(0)) = 1
End With
End With
End Sub
Dim h
With AxGrid1
.SingleSort = False
.SortOnClick = EXGRIDLib.SortOnClickEnum.exUserSort
With .Columns
.Add("Index").FormatColumn = "0 index ``"
.Add("Data 1")
.Add("Data 2")
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem(0)
.CellValue(h,1) = 2
.CellValue(h,2) = 3
h = .AddItem(4)
.CellValue(h,1) = 5
.CellValue(h,2) = 6
h = .AddItem(7)
.CellValue(h,1) = 8
.CellValue(h,2) = 9
End With
.Layout = "multiplesort=""C1:1 C2:2"""
End With
Is it possible to have a different alignment for parts of the cell's caption
Dim h
With AxGrid1
.TreeColumnIndex = -1
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exRowLines
With .Columns.Add("Default")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasCheckBox) = True
End With
With .Items
.CellHAlignment(.AddItem("all-left"),0) = EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.LeftAlignment
.CellHAlignment(.AddItem("all-center"),0) = EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment
.CellHAlignment(.AddItem("all-right"),0) = EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.RightAlignment
h = .AddItem("left<c>center<r>right")
.CellValueFormat(h,0) = EXGRIDLib.ValueFormatEnum.exHTML
End With
End With
I have a column with Def(exCellSingleLine) property on False, word-wrapping, and I am wondering if possible to update the column's content while user is resizing it
With AxGrid1
With .Columns
With .Add("MultipleLine")
.Width = 32
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellSingleLine) = False
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exColumnResizeContiguously) = True
End With
With .Add("SingleLine")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellSingleLine) = False
End With
End With
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("This is a bit of long text that should break the line"),1) = "This is a bit of long text that should break the line"
End With
End With
How can I get the absolute position of an item
' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub AxGrid1_MouseMoveEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_MouseMoveEvent) Handles AxGrid1.MouseMoveEvent
Dim c,hit
With AxGrid1
With .Items
Debug.Print( .CellCaption(AxGrid1.ItemFromPoint(-1,-1,c,hit),"Position") )
End With
End With
End Sub
Dim h
With AxGrid1
.BackColorAlternate = RGB(240,240,240)
.LinesAtRoot = EXGRIDLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
.Columns.Add("Def").DisplayFilterButton = True
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Root")
.InsertItem(.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1"),Nothing,"Sub-Child 1")
.InsertItem(.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2"),Nothing,"Sub-Child 2")
End With
With .Columns.Add("Position")
.FormatColumn = "1 apos ``"
.Visible = False
End With
End With
I am using ExComboBox as an user editor, how can I display a different column
' UserEditorClose event - Fired the user editor is about to be opened.
Private Sub AxGrid1_UserEditorClose(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_UserEditorCloseEvent) Handles AxGrid1.UserEditorClose
' Items.CellValue(Item,ColIndex) = Object.Value
End Sub
' UserEditorOleEvent event - Occurs when an user editor fires an event.
Private Sub AxGrid1_UserEditorOleEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_UserEditorOleEventEvent) Handles AxGrid1.UserEditorOleEvent
With AxGrid1
Debug.Print( e.ev )
End With
End Sub
' UserEditorOpen event - Occurs when an user editor is about to be opened.
Private Sub AxGrid1_UserEditorOpen(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_UserEditorOpenEvent) Handles AxGrid1.UserEditorOpen
' Object.Value = Me.Items.CellValue(Item,ColIndex)
End Sub
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
With .Columns.Add("Exontrol.ComboBox").Editor
.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.UserEditorType
With .UserEditorObject
.Style = 2
.ColumnAutoResize = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
.Alignment = 0
.IntegralHeight = True
.MinHeightList = 128
.MinWidthList = 648
.HeaderHeight = 36
.AllowSizeGrip = True
.SingleEdit = True
.LabelColumnIndex = 7
.SearchColumnIndex = 0
With .Columns.Item(0)
.HeaderBold = True
.HTMLCaption = "OrderID<br><fgcolor=808080>(search)"
End With
With .Columns.Item(7)
.HeaderBold = True
.HTMLCaption = "ShipName<br><fgcolor=808080>(display)"
.Width = 128
End With
.UseTabKey = False
End With
End With
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exRowLines
.DefaultItemHeight = 21
With .Items
.CellEditorVisible(.AddItem(10248),0) = EXGRIDLib.EditorVisibleEnum.exEditorVisible
.CellEditorVisible(.AddItem(10249),0) = EXGRIDLib.EditorVisibleEnum.exEditorVisible
.CellEditorVisible(.AddItem(10250),0) = EXGRIDLib.EditorVisibleEnum.exEditorVisible
End With
End With
How do I sort the index column as numeric (Method 3)
' AddItem event - Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub AxGrid1_AddItem(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_AddItemEvent) Handles AxGrid1.AddItem
With AxGrid1
With .Items
.CellData(e.item,1) = .CellCaption(e.item,1)
End With
End With
End Sub
With AxGrid1
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines
.ColumnAutoResize = True
.ShowFocusRect = False
With .Columns.Add("Next")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellPaddingLeft) = 4
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exHeaderPaddingLeft) = 4
End With
With .Columns.Add("Index")
.AllowSizing = False
.Width = 48
.FormatColumn = "(((0 := (1 index ``)) mod 3) case ( default: ``; 0 : `<r><fgcolor=B0B0B0>`; 1: ``; 2 : `<c><fgcolor=808080>` )) + str(=:0)"
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellValueFormat) = 1
.SortType = EXGRIDLib.SortTypeEnum.SortUserData
.Position = 0
End With
With .Items
.AddItem("Item 1")
.AddItem("Item 2")
.AddItem("Item 3")
.AddItem("Item 4")
.AddItem("Item 5")
.AddItem("Item 6")
.AddItem("Item 7")
.AddItem("Item 8")
.AddItem("Item 9")
.AddItem("Item 10")
End With
End With
How do I sort the index column as numeric (Method 2)
' AddItem event - Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub AxGrid1_AddItem(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_AddItemEvent) Handles AxGrid1.AddItem
With AxGrid1
With .Items
.CellSortData(e.item,1) = .CellCaption(e.item,1)
End With
End With
End Sub
With AxGrid1
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines
.ColumnAutoResize = True
.ShowFocusRect = False
With .Columns.Add("Next")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellPaddingLeft) = 4
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exHeaderPaddingLeft) = 4
End With
With .Columns.Add("Index")
.AllowSizing = False
.Width = 48
.FormatColumn = "(((0 := (1 index ``)) mod 3) case ( default: ``; 0 : `<r><fgcolor=B0B0B0>`; 1: ``; 2 : `<c><fgcolor=808080>` )) + str(=:0)"
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellValueFormat) = 1
.SortType = EXGRIDLib.SortTypeEnum.SortCellData
.Position = 0
End With
With .Items
.AddItem("Item 1")
.AddItem("Item 2")
.AddItem("Item 3")
.AddItem("Item 4")
.AddItem("Item 5")
.AddItem("Item 6")
.AddItem("Item 7")
.AddItem("Item 8")
.AddItem("Item 9")
.AddItem("Item 10")
End With
End With
How do I sort the index column as numeric (Method 1)
With AxGrid1
With .Columns.Add("Sort Index As String (Default)")
.FormatColumn = "1 index ``"
End With
With .Columns.Add("Sort Index As Numeric")
.ComputedField = "%C0"
.SortType = EXGRIDLib.SortTypeEnum.SortNumeric
End With
With .Items
End With
End With
How can I put icons/images into buttons
With AxGrid1
.ColumnAutoResize = True
.Images("gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
With .Columns.Add("C+B")
.AllowSizing = False
.Width = 48
.FormatColumn = "` <img>` + ( 1 + (1 index ``) mod 3 ) + `</img> `"
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellValueFormat) = 1
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasCheckBox) = True
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasButton) = True
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellButtonAutoWidth) = True
End With
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exVLines
.DefaultItemHeight = 20
With .Items
End With
End With
Is it possible to have a CheckBox and Button TOGETHER on all cells in a column
' ButtonClick event - Occurs when user clicks on the cell's button.
Private Sub AxGrid1_ButtonClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_ButtonClickEvent) Handles AxGrid1.ButtonClick
With AxGrid1
Debug.Print( "ButtonClick" )
Debug.Print( e.item )
Debug.Print( e.key )
End With
End Sub
' CellStateChanged event - Fired after cell's state has been changed.
Private Sub AxGrid1_CellStateChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_CellStateChangedEvent) Handles AxGrid1.CellStateChanged
With AxGrid1
Debug.Print( "CellStateChanged" )
Debug.Print( e.item )
End With
End Sub
With AxGrid1
.ColumnAutoResize = True
With .Columns.Add("")
.AllowSizing = False
.Width = 32
.FormatColumn = "1 index ``"
End With
With .Columns.Add("Def")
.AllowSizing = False
.Width = 48
.FormatColumn = "` `"
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasCheckBox) = True
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasButton) = True
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellButtonAutoWidth) = True
End With
With .Items
End With
End With
I have columns that look up the same data. (e.g. different contact) so both could / should use the same editor. Is this possible, to use other column's editor
Dim h,var_Editor
With AxGrid1
.SelBackColor = .BackColor
.SelForeColor = .ForeColor
With .Columns
With .Add("Pos")
.Width = 32
.AllowSizing = False
.FormatColumn = "1 index ``"
End With
var_Editor = .Add("C1").Editor
With var_Editor
.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.ColorListType
.AddItem(255,"Red Color")
.AddItem(16711680,"Blue Color")
.AddItem(65280,"Green Color")
End With
.Add("C2").Editor.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.CloneType Or EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.EditType
.Add("C3").Editor.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.CloneType Or EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.EditType
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem("")
.CellValue(h,1) = 16711680
.CellValue(h,2) = 65280
.CellValue(h,3) = 255
h = .AddItem("")
.CellValue(h,1) = 255
.CellValue(h,2) = 16711680
.CellValue(h,3) = 65280
End With
End With
Is there an easy way to get an effect like in a Microsoft Access / SQL-Server Table view, where you can scroll-up till the last row containing data is displayed as top-row
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.HasLines = EXGRIDLib.HierarchyLineEnum.exNoLine
.ColumnAutoResize = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
.ScrollBars = EXGRIDLib.ScrollBarsEnum.exVScrollEmptySpace Or EXGRIDLib.ScrollBarsEnum.exBoth
End With
Does filtering work with umlauts / accents characters
With AxGrid1
With .Columns.Add("Names")
.DisplayFilterButton = True
.FilterType = EXGRIDLib.FilterTypeEnum.exPattern
End With
With .Items
End With
.Columns.Item(0).Filter = "*ä*"
End With
How FullPath method works
Dim h
With AxGrid1
.LinesAtRoot = EXGRIDLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Root")
.CellValue(h,1) = "A"
.CellValue(.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1"),1) = "B"
.CellValue(.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2"),1) = "C"
.ExpandItem(h) = True
End With
.SearchColumnIndex = 1
Debug.Print( .SearchColumnIndex )
Debug.Print( .FullPath(.Items.ItemByIndex(2)) )
.SearchColumnIndex = 0
Debug.Print( .SearchColumnIndex )
Debug.Print( .FullPath(.Items.ItemByIndex(2)) )
End With
Can I set the search box / filterbarprompt to invisible, so I can use my own input and *string* via VBA
Dim h0
With AxGrid1
.ColumnAutoResize = True
.ContinueColumnScroll = False
.MarkSearchColumn = False
.SearchColumnIndex = 1
.FilterBarHeight = 0
.FilterBarPromptVisible = EXGRIDLib.FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarPromptVisible
With .Columns
.Add("Name").Width = 96
.Add("Title").Width = 96
End With
With .Items
h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
.CellValue(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
.CellValue(h0,2) = "Seattle"
h0 = .AddItem("Andrew Fuller")
.CellValue(h0,1) = "Vice President, Sales"
.CellValue(h0,2) = "Tacoma"
.SelectItem(h0) = True
h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
.CellValue(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
.CellValue(h0,2) = "Kirkland"
h0 = .AddItem("Margaret Peacock")
.CellValue(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
.CellValue(h0,2) = "Redmond"
h0 = .AddItem("Steven Buchanan")
.CellValue(h0,1) = "Sales Manager"
.CellValue(h0,2) = "London"
h0 = .AddItem("Michael Suyama")
.CellValue(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
.CellValue(h0,2) = "London"
h0 = .AddItem("Robert King")
.CellValue(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
.CellValue(h0,2) = "London"
h0 = .AddItem("Laura Callahan")
.CellValue(h0,1) = "Inside Sales Coordinator"
.CellValue(h0,2) = "Seattle"
h0 = .AddItem("Anne Dodsworth")
.CellValue(h0,1) = "Sales Representative"
.CellValue(h0,2) = "London"
End With
.FilterBarPromptPattern = "London"
End With
How to load a hierarchy using the control's DataSource property (Parent-ID-Relation)
' AddItem event - Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub AxGrid1_AddItem(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_AddItemEvent) Handles AxGrid1.AddItem
With AxGrid1
With .Items
End With
End With
End Sub
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.LinesAtRoot = EXGRIDLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
.ColumnAutoResize = False
.ContinueColumnScroll = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("SELECT * FROM Employees ORDER BY ReportsTo","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
.Items.ExpandItem(0) = True
End With
Is it possible to select the entire row/line, when user clicks the first column, and select individually the rest of cells, while user clicks any other column
' MouseDown event - Occurs when the user presses a mouse button.
Private Sub AxGrid1_MouseDownEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_MouseDownEvent) Handles AxGrid1.MouseDownEvent
Dim c,hit,i
With AxGrid1
i = .get_ItemFromPoint(-1,-1,c,hit)
.FullRowSelect = .Columns.Item(c).Data
End With
End Sub
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.HeaderHeight = 22
.HeaderAppearance = EXGRIDLib.AppearanceEnum.Flat
.BackColorLock = RGB(240,240,240)
.BackColorHeader = .BackColorLock
.HasLines = EXGRIDLib.HierarchyLineEnum.exNoLine
.ColumnAutoResize = False
.SortBarVisible = False
.AllowGroupBy = True
.ReadOnly = EXGRIDLib.ReadOnlyEnum.exReadOnly
.ShowFocusRect = False
.CountLockedColumns = 1
.AutoDrag = EXGRIDLib.AutoDragEnum.exAutoDragScroll
.SingleSort = False
.ColumnsAllowSizing = True
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines
.GridLineStyle = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesStyleEnum.exGridLinesSolid
.GridLineColor = RGB(220,220,220)
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
.Columns.Item(0).Data = -1
.Layout = "singlesort=""C5:1"";multiplesort="" C1:2"""
End With
The user are not able to size the columns at runtime when using HeaderAppearance property on zero
With AxGrid1
.HeaderAppearance = &H1000000
End With
Is it possible to embed the exGauge into the exGrid control
' ItemOleEvent event - Fired when an ActiveX control hosted by an item has fired an event.
Private Sub AxGrid1_ItemOleEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_ItemOleEventEvent) Handles AxGrid1.ItemOleEvent
Dim v
With AxGrid1
With .Items.ItemObject(AxGrid1.Items.ItemByIndex(2))
v = .FormatABC("date(`now`)")
.Layers.Item("sec").Value = v
.Layers.Item("min").Value = v
.Layers.Item("hour").Value = v
End With
End With
End Sub
' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub AxGrid1_MouseMoveEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_MouseMoveEvent) Handles AxGrid1.MouseMoveEvent
With AxGrid1
With .Items.ItemObject(AxGrid1.Items.ItemByIndex(2))
.TimerInterval = 1000
End With
End With
End Sub
Dim h,v
With AxGrid1
.ScrollBySingleLine = True
.LinesAtRoot = EXGRIDLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
.HasLines = EXGRIDLib.HierarchyLineEnum.exThinLine
.ScrollBySingleLine = True
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Normal Item")
h = .AddItem("Gauge-Clock Inside")
.ExpandItem(h) = True
h = .InsertControlItem(h,"Exontrol.Gauge")
.ItemHeight(h) = 256
With .ItemObject(h)
.PicturesPath = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Clock"
.DefaultLayer(185) = 2
.Layers.Count = 4
With .Layers.Item(0)
.Background.Picture.Name = "vista_clock.png"
End With
With .Layers.Item(1)
.Position = 3
.Key = "sec"
.OnDrag = 2
.Selectable = False
.Background.Picture.Name = "second-hand.png"
.ValueToRotateAngle = "((2:=(((1:=( ( (0:=(value < 0 ? floor(value) + 1 - value : value - floor(value))) < 0.5 ? =:0 : (0:= (=:0 - 0.5)) ) * 24 )) - " & _
"floor(=:1)) * 60 )) - floor(=:2) ) * 360"
.RotateAngleToValue = "value / 360 / 24 / 60"
End With
With .Layers.Item(2)
.Position = 2
.Key = "min"
.OnDrag = 2
.Selectable = False
.Background.Picture.Name = "Minute.png"
.ValueToRotateAngle = "((1:=( ( (0:=(value < 0 ? floor(value) + 1 - value : value - floor(value))) < 0.5 ? =:0 : (0:= (=:0 - 0.5)) ) * 24 )) - floor(" & _
"=:1)) * 360"
.RotateAngleToValue = "value / 360 / 24 / 60"
End With
With .Layers.Item(3)
.Position = 1
.Key = "hour"
.OnDrag = 2
.Background.Picture.Name = "Hour.png"
.ValueToRotateAngle = "2 * 360 * ( (0:=(value < 0 ? floor(value) + 1 - value : value - floor(value))) < 0.5 ? =:0 : (0:= (=:0 - 0.5)) )"
.RotateAngleToValue = "value / 360 * 0.5"
End With
v = .FormatABC("date(`now`)")
.Layers.Item("sec").Value = v
.Layers.Item("min").Value = v
.Layers.Item("hour").Value = v
End With
h = .AddItem("Normal Item")
End With
End With
What's the difference between merge cells and divider item
' AddItem event - Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub AxGrid1_AddItem(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_AddItemEvent) Handles AxGrid1.AddItem
With AxGrid1
With .Items
.CellBackColor(e.item,0) = RGB(240,240,240)
.ItemHasChildren(e.item) = True
End With
End With
End Sub
Dim h
With AxGrid1
.TreeColumnIndex = 0
.LinesAtRoot = EXGRIDLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines
.Columns.Add("C1").FormatColumn = "1 index `A-Z`"
.Columns.Add("C2").FormatColumn = "1 index ``"
.Columns.Add("C3").FormatColumn = "1 index ``"
With .Items
h = .AddItem()
.CellMerge(h,0) = 1
.FormatCell(h,0) = "`merge cells`"
.CellHAlignment(h,0) = EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment
h = .AddItem()
.ItemDivider(h) = 0
.CellHAlignment(h,0) = EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment
.FormatCell(h,0) = "`item divider`"
End With
End With
is it possible to resize a column with the mouse without changing the width of the next column
With AxGrid1
.ColumnAutoResize = False
.Columns.Add("Column 1").Width = 256
.Columns.Add("Column 2").Width = 512
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines
End With
How do I ensure that the newly item fits the control's client area
' ButtonClick event - Occurs when user clicks on the cell's button.
Private Sub AxGrid1_ButtonClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_ButtonClickEvent) Handles AxGrid1.ButtonClick
Dim h
With AxGrid1
With .Items
h = .AddItem("")
.SelectItem(h) = True
End With
.FocusColumnIndex = 0
End With
End Sub
With AxGrid1
With .Columns.Add("")
.AllowSizing = False
.AllowDragging = False
.AllowSort = False
.Width = 24
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasButton) = True
End With
.Columns.Add("Position").FormatColumn = "1 apos `A-Z`"
.CountLockedColumns = 1
With .Items
End With
End With
How do I find the predefined string for giving value, or giving identifier for specified predefined caption of editor
' Change event - Occurs when the user changes the cell's content.
Private Sub AxGrid1_Change(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_ChangeEvent) Handles AxGrid1.Change
With AxGrid1
Debug.Print( "FindItem(numeric) is " )
Debug.Print( e.newValue )
Debug.Print( .Columns.Item(0).Editor.FindItem(e.newValue) )
End With
End Sub
With AxGrid1
With .Columns.Add("DropDownList")
With .Editor
.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.DropDownListType
.AddItem(1,"Ken Robinson")
.AddItem(2,"Dave Nichols")
.AddItem(3,"Zane Thomas")
.AddItem(4,"James Shields")
End With
End With
With .Columns.Add("CellValue")
.FormatColumn = "%0"
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellBackColor) = 15790320
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exHeaderBackColor) = .Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellBackColor)
End With
With .Columns.Add("CellCaption")
.FormatColumn = "%C0"
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellBackColor) = 15790320
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exHeaderBackColor) = .Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellBackColor)
End With
With .Items
.AddItem(AxGrid1.Columns.Item(0).Editor.FindItem("Zane Thomas"))
End With
End With
How can I align captions of items with checkbox, with items with no checkbox
With AxGrid1
With .Items
.CellImages(.AddItem(0),0) = "1"
.CellHasCheckBox(.AddItem(1),0) = True
.CellImages(.AddItem(2),0) = "1"
End With
End With
How can I prevent sorting a column
Dim h
With AxGrid1
.LinesAtRoot = EXGRIDLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
With .Columns.Add("Default")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasCheckBox) = True
.PartialCheck = True
.AllowSort = False
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Root")
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
.ExpandItem(h) = True
End With
End With
Is there a possibility to group without moving and showing the column to the SortBar
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.HasLines = EXGRIDLib.HierarchyLineEnum.exNoLine
.ColumnAutoResize = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
.SingleSort = False
.SortBarVisible = False
.AllowGroupBy = True
.Layout = "singlesort=""C5:1"";multiplesort="" C1:2"""
End With
How can I show each group header ( not-subroup ), with a different background color, while alternate background colors for inside items
' LayoutChanged event - Occurs when column's position or column's size is changed.
Private Sub AxGrid1_LayoutChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxGrid1.LayoutChanged
With AxGrid1
End With
End Sub
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.HasLines = EXGRIDLib.HierarchyLineEnum.exNoLine
.ColumnAutoResize = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
.SingleSort = False
.SortBarVisible = True
.AllowGroupBy = True
.Columns.Item(1).SortOrder = True
With .Columns.Add("Position")
.FormatColumn = "(0:= (1 rpos '')) right ( ( 1:= ( =:0 rfind `.` ) ) != -1 ? =:1 : len(=:0))"
.Visible = False
End With
With .Columns.Add("Position")
.FormatColumn = "(1 rpos '') contains '.'"
.Visible = False
End With
.ConditionalFormats.Add("(%C13 mod 2) != 0").BackColor = RGB(240,240,240)
.ConditionalFormats.Add("%C14 = 0").BackColor = RGB(190,190,190)
End With
What is the difference between %0 and %C0, when using in expressions ( format, conditional format, computed fields, and so on )
With AxGrid1
.HeaderAppearance = EXGRIDLib.AppearanceEnum.Etched
.HeaderHeight = 24
.ScrollBySingleLine = True
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exRowLines
.Columns.Add("Value").Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellValueFormat) = 1
With .Columns.Add("FormatColumn = `%0` ~ CellValue")
.FormatColumn = "%0"
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellSingleLine) = False
End With
With .Columns.Add("FormatColumn = `%C0`~ CellCaption")
.FormatColumn = "%C0"
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellSingleLine) = False
End With
With .Items
.CellValueFormat(.AddItem("<sha ;;0>This <fgcolor=FF0000>is a <s><b>HTM</fgcolor>L</b> text</s>."),0) = EXGRIDLib.ValueFormatEnum.exHTML
With .CellEditor(.AddItem(3))
.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.CheckListType
End With
.FormatCell(.AddItem(10000),0) = "`<b>` + currency(value)"
End With
End With
How can I alternate colors for each group header ( not-subroup ), with a different background color, while items of the same group showing with a different color
' LayoutChanged event - Occurs when column's position or column's size is changed.
Private Sub AxGrid1_LayoutChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxGrid1.LayoutChanged
With AxGrid1
End With
End Sub
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.HasLines = EXGRIDLib.HierarchyLineEnum.exNoLine
.ColumnAutoResize = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
.SingleSort = False
.SortBarVisible = True
.AllowGroupBy = True
.Columns.Item(1).SortOrder = True
With .Columns.Add("Position")
.FormatColumn = "(0:= (1 rpos '')) left ( ( 1:= ( =:0 lfind `.` ) ) != -1 ? =:1 : len(=:0))"
.Visible = False
End With
With .Columns.Add("Position")
.FormatColumn = "(1 rpos '') contains '.'"
.Visible = False
End With
.ConditionalFormats.Add("(%C13 mod 2) != 0").BackColor = RGB(240,240,240)
.ConditionalFormats.Add("%C14 = 0").BackColor = RGB(190,190,190)
End With
How can I highlight each group header, with a different background color (method 2)
' AddGroupItem event - Occurs after a new Group Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub AxGrid1_AddGroupItem(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_AddGroupItemEvent) Handles AxGrid1.AddGroupItem
With AxGrid1
.Items.ItemBackColor(e.item) = RGB(190,190,190)
End With
End Sub
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.HasLines = EXGRIDLib.HierarchyLineEnum.exNoLine
.ColumnAutoResize = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
.SingleSort = False
.SortBarVisible = True
.AllowGroupBy = True
.Columns.Item(1).SortOrder = True
End With
How can I highlight each group header ( not-subroup ), with a different background color (method 1)
' LayoutChanged event - Occurs when column's position or column's size is changed.
Private Sub AxGrid1_LayoutChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxGrid1.LayoutChanged
With AxGrid1
End With
End Sub
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.HasLines = EXGRIDLib.HierarchyLineEnum.exNoLine
.ColumnAutoResize = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
.SingleSort = False
.SortBarVisible = True
.AllowGroupBy = True
.Columns.Item(1).SortOrder = True
With .Columns.Add("Position")
.FormatColumn = "(0:= (1 rpos '')) left ( ( 1:= ( =:0 lfind `.` ) ) != -1 ? =:1 : len(=:0))"
.Visible = False
End With
With .Columns.Add("Position")
.FormatColumn = "(1 rpos '') contains '.'"
.Visible = False
End With
.ConditionalFormats.Add("%C14 = 0").BackColor = RGB(190,190,190)
End With
The BackColorAlternate displays each second row with a different background color. Is it possible to apply a different background color, for each sub-tree, ConditionalFormats, Add
' LayoutChanged event - Occurs when column's position or column's size is changed.
Private Sub AxGrid1_LayoutChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxGrid1.LayoutChanged
With AxGrid1
End With
End Sub
' Sort event - Fired when the control sorts a column.
Private Sub AxGrid1_Sort(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxGrid1.Sort
With AxGrid1
End With
End Sub
Dim h
With AxGrid1
.LinesAtRoot = EXGRIDLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
With .Columns.Add("P1")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasCheckBox) = True
.PartialCheck = True
End With
With .Columns.Add("P2")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasCheckBox) = True
.PartialCheck = True
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Root 1")
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
.ExpandItem(h) = True
h = .AddItem("Root 2")
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
.ExpandItem(h) = True
h = .AddItem("Root 2")
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
.ExpandItem(h) = True
End With
With .Columns.Add("Position")
.FormatColumn = "(0:= (1 rpos '')) left ( ( 1:= ( =:0 lfind `.` ) ) != -1 ? =:1 : len(=:0))"
.Visible = False
End With
.ConditionalFormats.Add("(%C2 mod 2) != 0").BackColor = RGB(240,240,240)
End With
The BackColorAlternate displays each second row with a different background color. Is it possible to apply a different background color, for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, row, and so on
' LayoutChanged event - Occurs when column's position or column's size is changed.
Private Sub AxGrid1_LayoutChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxGrid1.LayoutChanged
With AxGrid1
End With
End Sub
' Sort event - Fired when the control sorts a column.
Private Sub AxGrid1_Sort(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxGrid1.Sort
With AxGrid1
End With
End Sub
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.HasLines = EXGRIDLib.HierarchyLineEnum.exNoLine
.ColumnAutoResize = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
With .Columns.Add("Position")
.FormatColumn = "1 apos ''"
.Visible = False
End With
.ConditionalFormats.Add("(%C13 mod 5) = 1").BackColor = RGB(128,128,128)
.ConditionalFormats.Add("(%C13 mod 5) = 2").BackColor = RGB(164,164,164)
.ConditionalFormats.Add("(%C13 mod 5) = 3").BackColor = RGB(190,190,190)
.ConditionalFormats.Add("(%C13 mod 5) = 4").BackColor = RGB(240,240,240)
End With
The BackColorAlternate displays each second row with a different background color. The question I have it is possible to apply a different background color for 3rd, 4th, row, and so on
' LayoutChanged event - Occurs when column's position or column's size is changed.
Private Sub AxGrid1_LayoutChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxGrid1.LayoutChanged
With AxGrid1
End With
End Sub
' Sort event - Fired when the control sorts a column.
Private Sub AxGrid1_Sort(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxGrid1.Sort
With AxGrid1
End With
End Sub
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.HasLines = EXGRIDLib.HierarchyLineEnum.exNoLine
.ColumnAutoResize = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
With .Columns.Add("Position")
.FormatColumn = "1 apos ''"
.Visible = False
End With
.ConditionalFormats.Add("(%C13 mod 4) = 0").BackColor = RGB(240,240,240)
End With
The BackColorAlternate looks fine for flat tables, but how about using it when displaying a hierarchy/tree, like grouping rows. The sample alternate colors for each group found
' LayoutChanged event - Occurs when column's position or column's size is changed.
Private Sub AxGrid1_LayoutChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxGrid1.LayoutChanged
With AxGrid1
End With
End Sub
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.HasLines = EXGRIDLib.HierarchyLineEnum.exNoLine
.ColumnAutoResize = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
.SingleSort = False
.SortBarVisible = True
.AllowGroupBy = True
.Columns.Item(1).SortOrder = True
With .Columns.Add("Position")
.FormatColumn = "(0:= (1 rpos '')) left ( ( 1:= ( =:0 lfind `.` ) ) != -1 ? =:1 : len(=:0))"
.Visible = False
End With
.ConditionalFormats.Add("(%C13 mod 2) != 0").BackColor = RGB(240,240,240)
End With
I need to display sub-totals in the grouping items. Is there any solution on this
' AddGroupItem event - Occurs after a new Group Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub AxGrid1_AddGroupItem(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_AddGroupItemEvent) Handles AxGrid1.AddGroupItem
With AxGrid1
With .Items
.ItemDivider(e.item) = -1
.EnableItem(e.item) = False
.CellValueFormat(e.item,AxGrid1.TreeColumnIndex) = EXGRIDLib.ValueFormatEnum.exHTML
.FormatCell(e.item,AxGrid1.TreeColumnIndex) = "%1"
.CellValueFormat(e.item,"Freight") = EXGRIDLib.ValueFormatEnum.exTotalField Or EXGRIDLib.ValueFormatEnum.exHTML
.CellValue(e.item,"Freight") = "sum(current,dir,%6)"
.FormatCell(e.item,"Freight") = "`<b>` + currency(value)"
End With
End With
End Sub
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.SelBackMode = EXGRIDLib.BackModeEnum.exTransparent
.BackColorSortBar = RGB(240,240,240)
.ColumnAutoResize = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
.SortBarVisible = True
.SortBarCaption = "Drag a <b>column</b> header here to group by that column."
.AllowGroupBy = True
.Columns.Item(1).SortOrder = EXGRIDLib.SortOrderEnum.SortAscending
.LinesAtRoot = EXGRIDLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exGroupLinesOutside
.Columns.Item("ShipVia").DisplayFilterButton = True
End With
I use a subtotal in exTop-Item, after grouping the item shows 0. What is the solution
Dim h,rs
With AxGrid1
.ColumnAutoResize = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
.SingleSort = False
.AllowGroupBy = True
.SortBarVisible = True
.BackColorSortBar = .BackColor
.Columns.Item(5).SortOrder = EXGRIDLib.SortOrderEnum.SortAscending
.Columns.Item(6).FormatColumn = "currency(value)"
With .Items
.LockedItemCount(EXGRIDLib.VAlignmentEnum.exTop) = 1
h = .LockedItem(EXGRIDLib.VAlignmentEnum.exTop,0)
.ItemBackColor(h) = RGB(240,240,240)
.CellBackColor(h,6) = RGB(190,190,190)
.CellValue(h,6) = "sum(all,rec,%6)"
.CellValueFormat(h,6) = EXGRIDLib.ValueFormatEnum.exTotalField
End With
End With
I would like to avoid manual typing in the date-cell because user often type wrong things (no decimal points and so on) and so the todays-date is generated for the cell. What can be done
' KeyPress event - Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key.
Private Sub AxGrid1_KeyPressEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_KeyPressEvent) Handles AxGrid1.KeyPressEvent
With AxGrid1
Debug.Print( "if .Editying != 0 then" )
Debug.Print( .Editing )
e.keyAscii = 0
End With
End Sub
With AxGrid1
.ColumnAutoResize = False
With .Columns
With .Add("Date")
.Editor.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.DateType
.Width = 128
End With
End With
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 1"),1) = #9/21/2006#
.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 2"),1) = #12/22/2015#
.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 3"),1) = #1/10/2015#
End With
End With
The control does not ensure the item to fit the control's client area once the user clicks the cell's button or check box. What can be done
' MouseDown event - Occurs when the user presses a mouse button.
Private Sub AxGrid1_MouseDownEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_MouseDownEvent) Handles AxGrid1.MouseDownEvent
' Items.EnsureVisibleItem(ItemFromPoint(-1,-1,c,hit))
End Sub
With AxGrid1
.TreeColumnIndex = -1
.SelForeColor = .ForeColor
With .Columns.Add("Buttons")
.Alignment = EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasButton) = True
End With
With .Items
.AddItem("Button A")
.AddItem("Button B")
.AddItem("Button C")
End With
End With
How do you save the index number from a drop down to a database
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.ColumnAutoResize = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
With .Columns.Item("ShipVia")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellBackColor) = 15790320
.Position = 1
.Width = 96
With .Editor
.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.DropDownListType
.AddItem(1,"Speedy Express")
.AddItem(2,"United Package")
.AddItem(3,"Federal Shipping")
End With
End With
End With
Is there a way to set the column width and have it stay when refreshing using the data source
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.ColumnAutoResize = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
.Layout = "gBjAAwAAuABmABpABsAB0ABlAByhoAPIAOEPAA9gYABoABQAgUEg0XN4AOcJicKkpujIAGMcj0gjcGk8QhkQgUOjUEjsfkMFAB2lEnhRihcYjUvnsykQAO8oMkTNEtG" & _
"gAGUwn0uoEIhUMh0QiUOisXiE7rEyl8jAElokptYAllmpcCtMmjE3mU6jdzrUGoUKttGvFJs90oFPhVRh1Twg4wtaptco9fiMTsdIvcxw1Nkl2hUOlVwlsvnmayFAmtH" & _
"nETuWm0lAv+eAGCzFK10zp1QqVUAGOvkvuuSr0YsMUi2Y0tZ4FAztt0FvuNa23Kvt2m0YnMt5No6uxwOq0eP5cGxAAxQAxgAGwAqu/q1blHDsGW49lzPUq9qtko58r8K" & _
"rvc/LrPA7LWvw2ChpQ2j7Om7kBPK870hu+6ZQE4SJvmsT6u0x8BOa/iUP8jUANNATUrxAsKIFATvQU8DCL5B7dMWlr1u2gQZvgrsMMrDSyQ4vkcv02T+tEjUcyC1C7uw" & _
"1kVABISgwSosXq1JLyRm9EaycqqDQuyjisu+0bvY5i3udEMjTIvkuQHFEmzHNkWymwcqtNNkIN2jUbMeGsdMm4j6R/AyZT7IcztC6M+r5Qs2yYvUx0ZOTZypBqBUZPEa" & _
"Max71y6+MeTBDdBoFTjjv2z80Oi9a+VJE9HSA01SUlBbw1Ww8sPSqtFNNCdOx3L9AuQx9eVLIlUJbCa+WHVrV0fYUEMBF06UqAFh0xLLCT7abHV7P8MuNQUnW3YlDugl" & _
"rfNNcVlrzV6s3FWVKMfcVrPSq6rva0wcz8+Ue2/YK+XzQ0QUQlt83/JTr2ZdiZYBKNoTm2rH4ZedzSckqGDqAA2tEk7CSQmKEJKgWMY5CmQJlkaZYsAGMY0liFJYqKID" & _
End With
Is it possible to decode/view the control's Layout property
With AxGrid1
.SingleSort = False
.Columns.Add("C1").SortOrder = EXGRIDLib.SortOrderEnum.SortAscending
With CreateObject("Exontrol.Print")
Debug.Print( .Decode64TextW(AxGrid1.Layout) )
End With
End With
How do I programmatically sort by multiple columns
With AxGrid1
.SingleSort = False
.Layout = "multiplesort=""C2:1 C1:2 C0:2"""
End With
Do you have any Fit-To-Page options when printing the control (W x T, Fit-To )
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.ColumnAutoResize = False
.ContinueColumnScroll = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
With CreateObject("Exontrol.Print")
.Options = "FitToPage =2 x 1"
.PrintExt = AxGrid1.GetOcx()
End With
End With
Do you have any Fit-To-Page options when printing the control ( x T, Fit-To Tall )
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.ColumnAutoResize = False
.ContinueColumnScroll = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
With CreateObject("Exontrol.Print")
.Options = "FitToPage = x 2"
.PrintExt = AxGrid1.GetOcx()
End With
End With
Do you have any Fit-To-Page options when printing the control ( W x, Fit-To Wide )
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.ColumnAutoResize = False
.ContinueColumnScroll = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
With CreateObject("Exontrol.Print")
.Options = "FitToPage = 2 x"
.PrintExt = AxGrid1.GetOcx()
End With
End With
Do you have any Fit-To-Page options when printing the control ( percent view, Adjust-To )
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.ColumnAutoResize = False
.ContinueColumnScroll = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
With CreateObject("Exontrol.Print")
.Options = "FitToPage = 50%"
.PrintExt = AxGrid1.GetOcx()
End With
End With
How can I get notified once the user expands a column
' LayoutChanged event - Occurs when column's position or column's size is changed.
Private Sub AxGrid1_LayoutChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxGrid1.LayoutChanged
With AxGrid1
Debug.Print( "Column-Expanded" )
Debug.Print( .Columns.Item("C0").Expanded )
End With
End Sub
Dim h
With AxGrid1
.ShowFocusRect = False
.ColumnAutoResize = False
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines
.BackColorLevelHeader = .BackColor
With .Columns
With .Add("C0")
.ExpandColumns = "0,1,2"
.DisplayExpandButton = True
End With
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Cell 0.0")
.CellValue(h,1) = "Cell 0.1"
.CellValue(h,2) = "Cell 0.2"
h = .AddItem("Cell 1.0")
.CellValue(h,1) = "Cell 1.1"
.CellValue(h,2) = "Cell 1.2"
End With
End With
I am using expandable headers, the question is how I can display the column itself, not just the child columns
Dim h
With AxGrid1
.ColumnAutoResize = False
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines
.BackColorLevelHeader = .BackColor
With .Columns
With .Add("C0")
.ExpandColumns = "0,1,2"
.DisplayExpandButton = True
End With
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Cell 0.0")
.CellValue(h,1) = "Cell 0.1"
.CellValue(h,2) = "Cell 0.2"
h = .AddItem("Cell 1.0")
.CellValue(h,1) = "Cell 1.1"
.CellValue(h,2) = "Cell 1.2"
End With
End With
How do I layout expandable columns
With AxGrid1
.ColumnAutoResize = False
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines
.BackColorLevelHeader = .BackColor
With .Columns
With .Add("C0")
.ExpandColumns = "1,2"
.DisplayExpandButton = True
End With
With .Add("C4")
.ExpandColumns = "5,6"
.DisplayExpandButton = True
End With
With .Add("C6")
.ExpandColumns = "6,7"
.DisplayExpandButton = True
End With
End With
.Columns.Item("C4").Expanded = False
End With
How do I make the control read-only (method 2)
' Edit event - Occurs just before editing the focused cell.
Private Sub AxGrid1_EditEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_EditEvent) Handles AxGrid1.EditEvent
With AxGrid1
e.cancel = True
End With
End Sub
With AxGrid1
With .Columns.Add("Editor").Editor
.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.CheckListType
End With
With .Columns.Add("Check")
With .Editor
.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.CheckValueType
.Option(EXGRIDLib.EditorOptionEnum.exCheckValue1) = 2
End With
End With
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem(1),1) = 0
.CellValue(.AddItem(2),1) = 1
End With
End With
How do I set a locked check-box
With AxGrid1
With .Columns.Add("Locked-Check")
With .Editor
.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.CheckValueType
.Option(EXGRIDLib.EditorOptionEnum.exCheckValue1) = 2
.Locked = True
End With
End With
With .Columns.Add("Unlocked-Check")
With .Editor
.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.CheckValueType
.Option(EXGRIDLib.EditorOptionEnum.exCheckValue2) = 1
End With
End With
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem(1),1) = 0
.CellValue(.AddItem(0),1) = 1
End With
End With
Does the title of the cell's tooltip supports HTML format
With AxGrid1
With .Columns.Add("")
.Caption = ""
.HTMLCaption = "Column"
End With
With .Items
.CellToolTip(.AddItem("tooltip w/h different title"),0) = "<c><b><fgcolor=FF0000>Title</fgcolor></b><br>This is bit of text that's shown when the user hovers the cell. This shows the tit" & _
"le centered with a different color."
End With
End With
How do I specify a different title for the cell's tooltip
With AxGrid1
With .Columns.Add("")
.Caption = "This is the title"
.HTMLCaption = "Column"
End With
With .Items
.CellToolTip(.AddItem("tooltip w/h different title"),0) = "This is bit of text that's shown when the user hovers the cell."
End With
End With
The cell's tooltip displays the column's caption in its title. How can I get ride of that
Dim h
With AxGrid1
With .Columns
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem("tooltip w/h caption")
.CellToolTip(h,0) = "This is bit of text that's shown when the user hovers the cell. This shows the column's caption in the title."
.CellValue(h,1) = "tooltip no caption"
.CellToolTip(h,1) = "This is bit of text that's shown when the user hovers the cell. This shows no column's caption in the title."
End With
With .Columns.Item("C2")
.HTMLCaption = .Caption
.Caption = ""
End With
End With
How can I programmatically show the column's filter
' RClick event - Fired when right mouse button is clicked
Private Sub AxGrid1_RClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxGrid1.RClick
Dim c,hit,i
With AxGrid1
i = .get_ItemFromPoint(-1,-1,c,hit)
End With
End Sub
With AxGrid1
.ShowFocusRect = False
With .Columns.Add("Items ")
.DisplayFilterPattern = False
.FilterList = EXGRIDLib.FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or EXGRIDLib.FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or EXGRIDLib.FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
End With
With .Items
.AddItem("Item 1")
.AddItem("Item 2")
.AddItem("Item 3")
End With
End With
I want to be able to click on one of the headers, and sort by other column. How can I do that (method 2)
' ColumnClick event - Fired after the user clicks on column's header.
Private Sub AxGrid1_ColumnClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_ColumnClickEvent) Handles AxGrid1.ColumnClick
' Column.SortOrder = 1
With AxGrid1
.SortOnClick = EXGRIDLib.SortOnClickEnum.exDefaultSort
.Columns.Item("Sort").SortOrder = EXGRIDLib.SortOrderEnum.SortAscending
.SortOnClick = EXGRIDLib.SortOnClickEnum.exUserSort
End With
End Sub
With AxGrid1
.SortOnClick = EXGRIDLib.SortOnClickEnum.exUserSort
.Columns.Add("Sort").Visible = False
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 1 (3)"),1) = 3
.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 2 (1)"),1) = 1
.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 3 (2)"),1) = 2
End With
End With
I want to be able to click on one of the headers, and sort by other column. How can I do that (method 1)
' ColumnClick event - Fired after the user clicks on column's header.
Private Sub AxGrid1_ColumnClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_ColumnClickEvent) Handles AxGrid1.ColumnClick
' Column.SortOrder = 1
With AxGrid1
End With
End Sub
With AxGrid1
.SortOnClick = EXGRIDLib.SortOnClickEnum.exUserSort
.Columns.Add("Sort").Visible = False
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 1 (3)"),1) = 3
.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 2 (1)"),1) = 1
.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 3 (2)"),1) = 2
End With
End With
How can I highlight the cell's button with a different appearance, when cursor hovers it
With AxGrid1
.DefaultItemHeight = 22
.TreeColumnIndex = -1
.SelForeColor = RGB(0,0,0)
.SelBackColor = .BackColor
With .Columns.Add("Buttons")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasButton) = True
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellValueFormat) = 1
.Alignment = EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment
.HeaderAlignment = EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment
End With
With .Items
.AddItem("Button <b>1</b>")
.AddItem("Button <b>2</b>")
.AddItem("Button <b>3</b>")
End With
End With
How can I prevent highlighting the cell's button while cursor hovers it
' AddItem event - Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub AxGrid1_AddItem(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_AddItemEvent) Handles AxGrid1.AddItem
With AxGrid1
With .Items
.CellValue(e.item,0) = "Button <b>A</b>"
.CellValue(e.item,1) = "Button <b>B</b>"
End With
End With
End Sub
With AxGrid1
.DefaultItemHeight = 22
.TreeColumnIndex = -1
.SelForeColor = RGB(0,0,0)
.SelBackColor = .BackColor
With .Columns.Add("A")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasButton) = True
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellValueFormat) = 1
.Alignment = EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment
.HeaderAlignment = EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment
End With
With .Columns.Add("B")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasButton) = True
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellValueFormat) = 1
.Alignment = EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment
.HeaderAlignment = EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment
End With
.Columns.Add("").Position = 1
With .Items
.CellEnabled(.AddItem(""),1) = False
End With
End With
How can I change the image of the icon while performing OLE Drag and Drop
' OLEStartDrag event - Occurs when the OLEDrag method is called.
Private Sub AxGrid1_OLEStartDrag(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_OLEStartDragEvent) Handles AxGrid1.OLEStartDrag
' Data.SetData("your data to drag")
With AxGrid1
e.allowedEffects = 2
End With
End Sub
With AxGrid1
.OLEDropMode = EXGRIDLib.exOLEDropModeEnum.exOLEDropManual
.ColumnAutoResize = False
.DefaultItemHeight = 22
.HeaderHeight = .DefaultItemHeight
.Columns.Add("Default").Width = 128
With .Items
.AddItem("Item 1")
.AddItem("Item 2")
.AddItem("Item 3")
.AddItem("Item 4")
.AddItem("Item 5")
End With
With .VisualAppearance
"FoFmGCBmBQOAMjgdgQDsUITEIIg5iISAEmIOBigiJgqgqYhoFyVILyyMgyDmYxDg4rBjgiZg6g0Dh4kiTIMGMKAwmgOQkEkFhGhGZIJAoPoQAyQ4mE6BhlAkRgXhODoZ" & _
"C0A4Pg6KRmCSFplkkdheDmJYTioVgACOY4uGaDwmgmJhqg8JlWmOGRmGkChyhyZxJAobYbmMI4yHqFQnkmdh+2RYp4DMIZ5gaBohmiCYGB+IJOmoNhtiPXZGG2I1tgyb" & _
"4lmgGhmhqJt0Fyb4gk8CtsCiahKhYH4oXiAohiUKpKjaLt+goDJxiyaZqlaNot4OTJx3gKp2iiL5sAsBoov+KgMnOMZrisJpKjLjocnPeBLEaRI0m0SxWkSNBPEoDJ1j" & _
"abJrHaXo35obOZC2OximaOZugsYpi3ga42mKO5vAuRpijsTxqAyd49m8S5mnqPuqFyd4gk+DAGn6QJwEwFp+kAT+BnmQpwgwNwOkPtYsnnrgsFcEpFnGDBnBKRRPiwUw" & _
"ckecgMgcIpHGMKQwnuSZygyJ1/HKOgMnyS5zAyRwykycw5g4Eg0jCA57DqTpzkydw+kIDR9AUCY9A2HQXBIUh0g0JRJ5aUxmnQZIPnkUgvDUI5tFcVoPjUOB+A4QBAIC" & _
"eDtJhif4cXjIMhyLI8UxXEKOL7jDSYPgqK48QhCEJQPQ9EyXJqnahoemCeRXBZ+aqxbBsCwCep0YBeNr3HaNaz3PK/brtWxMDpeA5IYhhF7WdZFR4tMrOdAtHL9FyPJ5" & _
"TFicgXnoTAKAsRpHPeVhrAUd4LkmY5yj+fQ+i8L4zk+Y5vjCe4oD6ZoNhSRxiisVRKg+T5vnWfB6h6J5yAIf4fieWJFHyHZHHSTAygyAociMKBKEKBIeCiCZyHYFAnCA" & _
End With
End With
How can I sort by two-columns, one by date and one by time
Dim h
With AxGrid1
.SingleSort = False
With .Columns
.Add("Index").FormatColumn = "1 index ``"
.Add("Date").SortType = EXGRIDLib.SortTypeEnum.SortDate
With .Add("Time")
.SortType = EXGRIDLib.SortTypeEnum.SortTime
.FormatColumn = "time(value)"
End With
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem(0)
.CellValue(h,1) = #1/1/2001#
.CellValue(h,2) = #1/1/2001 10:00:00 AM#
h = .AddItem(0)
.CellValue(h,1) = #12/31/2000#
.CellValue(h,2) = #1/1/2001 10:00:00 AM#
h = .AddItem(0)
.CellValue(h,1) = #1/1/2001#
.CellValue(h,2) = #1/1/2001 6:00:00 AM#
h = .AddItem(0)
.CellValue(h,1) = #12/31/2000#
.CellValue(h,2) = #1/1/2001 8:00:00 AM#
h = .AddItem(0)
.CellValue(h,1) = #1/1/2001#
.CellValue(h,2) = #1/1/2001 8:00:00 AM#
h = .AddItem(0)
.CellValue(h,1) = #12/31/2000#
.CellValue(h,2) = #1/1/2001 6:00:00 AM#
End With
.Layout = "multiplesort=""C1:1 C2:1"""
End With
How can I display a context menu
' MouseUp event - Occurs when the user releases a mouse button.
Private Sub AxGrid1_MouseUpEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_MouseUpEvent) Handles AxGrid1.MouseUpEvent
With AxGrid1
With CreateObject("Exontrol.ContextMenu")
.Items.ToString = "Check[chk],[sep],Item 1,Item 2,Item 3"
Debug.Print( .Select() )
End With
End With
End Sub
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.ColumnAutoResize = False
.ScrollBySingleLine = True
.ContinueColumnScroll = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
.ReadOnly = EXGRIDLib.ReadOnlyEnum.exReadOnly
End With
Also, are there any plans on the ability to put borders on individual cells or rows or columns
Dim h,hx
With AxGrid1
With .VisualAppearance
"VTAYxVfC1PzkACma4nS7oXraVJFVZTdYwTh+JABTzGLpnKw7FhGa5pABpdq0RTuOZdAbPMoyXBrXqqB46UCOGg5HRWWwHR7ZIquap9JzfCq5cRbWr5BBOPaBYKwdD1CB" & _
"ECSIBpDGHQOicIwtBIBpmhqEIJj2eJQloEgokiegyGGCI6kKZ5BnefA+D8L4flOa52nufg+g+f5fnPFB/ooBZ1omSAWASAJgGgJgJgIIIoDYAIDCCaBFnuBAhCgOgUgU" & _
"VjUEBgRBJIDSMY6DpOIxaEgNZpwEITOTxUK0EhRLy5agDCJ1QrCdanahqOpaXpmW5dV7YNh2LTnfzXNq3bhuO5bXqOd59X7fN54Dg+D4LRLHbpxXIcXqvFaZZDnOb4To" & _
End With
.LinesAtRoot = EXGRIDLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exGroupLinesAtRoot
.SelBackColor = .BackColor
.SelForeColor = .ForeColor
.DefaultItemHeight = 22
.Columns.Add("").Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellBackColor) = 33554432
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Root 1")
.ItemBackColor(h) = &H1000000
hx = .SplitCell(h,0)
.CellValue(0,hx) = "count(current,dir,1)"
.CellValueFormat(0,hx) = EXGRIDLib.ValueFormatEnum.exTotalField
.FormatCell(0,hx) = "'Childs: ' + value"
.CellBackColor(0,hx) = &H3000000
.CellHAlignment(0,hx) = EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
.ExpandItem(h) = True
h = .AddItem("Root 2")
.ItemBackColor(h) = &H4000000
hx = .SplitCell(h,0)
.CellValue(0,hx) = "count(current,dir,1)"
.CellValueFormat(0,hx) = EXGRIDLib.ValueFormatEnum.exTotalField
.FormatCell(0,hx) = "'Childs: ' + value"
.CellBackColor(0,hx) = &H3000000
.CellHAlignment(0,hx) = EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 3")
.ItemBackColor(.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 4")) = &H4000000
End With
End With
How can I decode the Layout property
With AxGrid1
With .Columns
.Add("C2").Position = 1
End With
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("SubItem 1.1"),1) = "SubItem 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("SubItem 2.1"),1) = "SubItem 2.2"
End With
.Columns.Item("C2").SortOrder = EXGRIDLib.SortOrderEnum.SortDescending
Debug.Print( "Encoded:" )
Debug.Print( .Layout )
With CreateObject("Exontrol.Print")
Debug.Print( "Decoded: " )
Debug.Print( .Decode64TextW(AxGrid1.Layout) )
End With
End With
No new line is shown if using <br> tag. How can I show a new line with-in the cell
Dim h
With AxGrid1
.ScrollBySingleLine = True
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exRowLines
With .Columns.Add("Single-Line")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellSingleLine) = True
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellValueFormat) = 1
End With
With .Columns.Add("Multiple-Lines")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellSingleLine) = False
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellValueFormat) = 1
End With
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("First-Line<br>Second-Line"),1) = "First-Line<br>Second-Line"
h = .AddItem("First-Line<br>Second-Line<br>Third-Line")
.CellSingleLine(h) = EXGRIDLib.CellSingleLineEnum.exCaptionWordWrap
.CellHAlignment(h,0) = EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment
.ItemDivider(h) = 0
End With
End With
I am using exCRD to layout the columns in the grid, but is there a way where I can have the text in a cell wrap if it's exceeds the width of the cell instead of showing the ...'s
Dim h
With AxGrid1
.DrawGridLines = EXGRIDLib.GridLinesEnum.exRowLines
.DefaultItemHeight = 36
.FullRowSelect = EXGRIDLib.CellSelectEnum.exColumnSel
With .Columns
With .Add("Column1")
.Visible = False
.Editor.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.EditType
End With
With .Add("Column2")
.Visible = False
.Editor.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.EditType
End With
With .Add("Column3")
.Visible = False
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellSingleLine) = False
.Editor.EditType = EXGRIDLib.EditTypeEnum.EditType
End With
With .Add("Column4")
.Alignment = EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment
.HeaderAlignment = EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment
.Visible = False
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasButton) = True
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellButtonAutoWidth) = True
End With
With .Add("FormatLevel")
.FormatLevel = "(0/1),""Information to be shown on the control's header""[a=17][ww]:128,3:128"
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellFormatLevel) = "(0/1),2[a=17][ww]:128,3:128"
End With
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Cell 1.1")
.CellValue(h,1) = "Cell 1.2"
.CellValue(h,2) = "This is just a bit of information on first row"
.CellValue(h,3) = "Cell 1.4"
.CellSingleLine(h,3) = EXGRIDLib.CellSingleLineEnum.exCaptionWordWrap
h = .AddItem("Cell 2.1")
.CellValue(h,1) = "Cell 2.2"
.CellValue(h,2) = "This is just a bit of information on second row"
.CellValue(h,3) = "Cell 2.4"
End With
End With
How can I load pictures using URL ( http:// )
Dim http
With AxGrid1
http = CreateObject("Exontrol.HTTP")
.PictureDisplay = EXGRIDLib.PictureDisplayEnum.LowerRight
.Picture = http.GETImage("http://mail.exontrol.com/images/exontrol.png")
End With
How can I filter programmatically by multiple columns
Dim h
With AxGrid1
With .Columns
With .Add("Active")
.Def(EXGRIDLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasCheckBox) = True
.DisplayFilterButton = True
End With
.Add("Mode").FilterType = EXGRIDLib.FilterTypeEnum.exFilter
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Item A")
.CellState(h,1) = 1
.CellValue(h,2) = "A"
h = .AddItem("Item B")
.CellState(h,1) = 0
.CellValue(h,2) = "B"
h = .AddItem("Item C")
.CellState(h,1) = 1
.CellValue(h,2) = "C"
.CellValue(h,3) = "None"
h = .AddItem("Item D")
.CellState(h,1) = 1
.CellValue(h,2) = "C"
End With
With .Columns.Item(1)
.FilterType = EXGRIDLib.FilterTypeEnum.exCheck
.Filter = 1
End With
With .Columns.Item(2)
.FilterType = EXGRIDLib.FilterTypeEnum.exFilter
.Filter = "C"
End With
With .Columns.Item(3)
.FilterType = EXGRIDLib.FilterTypeEnum.exNonBlanks
End With
End With
How can I add Right-To-Left Reading-Order / RTL Layout
With AxGrid1
.TreeColumnIndex = -1
With .Columns.Add("RTL - Header Caption")
.HeaderAlignment = &H20000 Or EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.RightAlignment
.Alignment = &H20000 Or EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.RightAlignment
End With
.FullRowSelect = EXGRIDLib.CellSelectEnum.exColumnSel
With .Items
.AddItem("RTL - Text Right")
.CellHAlignment(.AddItem("RTL - Text Center"),0) = &H20000 Or EXGRIDLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment
.CellHAlignment(.AddItem("RTL - Text Left"),0) = &H20000
End With
End With
I have applied ebn to the grid using the following code, and noticed that it applies to the filter dropdownList too. Is there a way to prevent this behavior, like keeping the Filter dropdownlist intact
With AxGrid1
.Appearance = &H1000000
.GetOcx().BackColorHeader = &H1000000
.Columns.Add("Filter").DisplayFilterButton = True
With .Items
.AddItem("Item 1")
.AddItem("Item 2")
End With
End With
The tree lines from the group parent to its children are missing and no identation is present: the parent and all its children are on the same offset from left. What canbe done
' AddGroupItem event - Occurs after a new Group Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub AxGrid1_AddGroupItem(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRIDLib._IGridEvents_AddGroupItemEvent) Handles AxGrid1.AddGroupItem
Dim nGroupColumn
With AxGrid1
With .Items
nGroupColumn = .GroupItem(e.item)
.ItemDivider(e.item) = -1
.FormatCell(e.item,0) = .FormatCell(e.item,nGroupColumn)
.CellValue(e.item,0) = AxGrid1.Columns.Item(nGroupColumn).GroupByTotalField
.CellValueFormat(e.item,0) = .CellValueFormat(e.item,nGroupColumn)
End With
End With
End Sub
Dim rs
With AxGrid1
.ReadOnly = EXGRIDLib.ReadOnlyEnum.exReadOnly
.ColumnAutoResize = False
rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
With rs
.Open("Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGrid\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3)
End With
.DataSource = rs
.SortBarVisible = True
.SortBarCaption = "Drag a <b>column</b> header here to group by that column."
.AllowGroupBy = True
With .Columns.Item(0)
.AllowGroupBy = False
.Width = 96
End With
.Columns.Item(1).SortOrder = EXGRIDLib.SortOrderEnum.SortAscending
.LinesAtRoot = EXGRIDLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
End With